Monthly Recap: February 2020

Life in February 2020 February went by incredibly fast especially when you think about how slow January seemed to me.  Day Trip to Huntsville Michael and I headed to Huntsville…

Monthly Recap: January 2020

Life in January 2020  I didn't travel anywhere in January. Still just living it up at home, working a lot, getting a lot done on the blogs, spending time with…

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Monthly Recap: December 2019

I wasn't really planning on doing a monthly recap since I did a 2019 yearly recap, but I decided there were some things I wanted to share that I didn't…

Monthly Recap | November 2019

October was all about movement and traveling, and November was all about home and work. It's about balance guys. I actually worked A LOT in November but it felt good…

Monthly Recap | October 2019

October is my favorite month of the entire year and I spent in several different places. I know a lot of people claim October as their favorite month and that's…

Monthly Recap // March 2019

I can't believe we're a quarter of the way through the year already. We're 9 months away from being back in the roaring '20s. Well, I was never there but…

Monthly Recap // December 2018

December was quite the whirlwind of a month but when is December ever quiet and simple? Even without going overboard on gifts, it still ends up being insane. Amidst all…