35 Before 35

35 Before 35

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35 before 35
Skydiving with SkyDive Tenneessee

September 4, 2021.  That’s when I’ll turn 35 years old.

A couple years ago, I made a Dirty Thirty Challenge which consisted of 30 things I wanted to do before I turned 30 years old.  I failed miserably – only completing or half-completing one-third of them.  I did some big ones like skydiving and seeing the synchronous fireflies and go vegan but overall, I didn’t succeed at my challenge.  However, I’m still a firm believer in these types of lists…for myself, at least.  I’ve always been a list person and I’ve always been a goal-oriented person.  Sometimes my goals are too lofty and sometimes they are tiny but regardless, they give me something to be excited and ambitious about and I think that’s really important.  So, while I didn’t complete my before 30 challenge, I’m still going to create a 35 Before 35 Challenge.  I get a little over 4 years to complete it which means maybe some bigger goals but also will be more realistic compared to my 1.5-year timeframe before.

I love bucket lists.  Some do not.  I don’t love them in the ‘I HAVE TO DO THESE THINGS BEFORE I DIE OR…I’LL DIE’ way but more just that I love lists and it’s one more thing I can make a list for.  I’m an ever-changing individual.  What I wanted to do 5 years ago does not match what I want to do today and that’s okay.  What I wanted to do 5 days ago is different too.  It’s taken me a long time to be accepting of this piece of myself.  It’s okay if I want to change my path or my goals.  It’s my life.  In the meantime, I’m gonna keep on making lists.

Challenge: 35 before 35

1. Publish a Novel

This was on my 30 before 30 list.  Well, technically, ‘start a novel’ was on my list which I did.  I just didn’t get very far.

2. Hike Long Distance

Hiking the ‘Triple Crown’ – the Appalachian, Pacific Crest and Continental Divide – is on my life bucket list but I’ll just put any long distance hike on this particular list.

3. Go Bungee Jumping

This was on my 30 before 30 list but surprisingly, there’s like nowhere to do this in the South or even the East coast so I’ll reserve it for when I travel to the West Coast or overseas.

4. Sing Karaoke

This will probably just continue to be on my list forever because this scares me more than anything and will likely never happen.


Can I successfully be silent for 7-10 days?  I sure as hell want to find out!

6. Attend Burning Man

Burning Man, I WILL attend you at some point in my life.  I keep trying to make it happen.

35 before 35

7. Continue Yoga

I’ve taken up yoga especially since injuring my back and been limited physically and I really love it.  I’m eager to continue practicing and doing a yoga retreat one day.

35 before 35

8. Be Location Independent

My ultimate dream goal.

9. Cycle Iceland

Road trip Iceland was on my 30 before 30 list but I wanted to up the challenge since I didn’t get it done in time for that one.  I’ve been playing around with this idea for some time and I think I’d definitely like to give it a go.

10.  Have a ‘Yes’ Day

I really want to have an entire day where I have to say ‘Yes’ to everything.  It sounds like a great way to get out of one’s comfort zone.

11.  Spend the Night Somewhere Haunted

Maybe at the Lemp Mansion?

35 before 35
Lemp Mansion

12.  Lead a Conscious + Compassionate Life – COMPLETE

I’ve been vegan and cruelty-free for a year (on May 1st!).  I only wish I had done so sooner.  In doing so, I’ve become more conscious about decisions in my lifestyle.  I’ve quit using plastic straws and am trying to eliminate all one-use plastic, trying to move towards more minimalism, only traveling responsibly and so on.  No one is perfect but I just want to know I’m committing as little harm as possible.

13.  Be Debt Free

My second ultimate goal.

14.  Be Comfortable in my Skin

I can put ‘lose XX amount of weight’ or ‘get in shape’ all day long but what really matters is being comfortable in my own skin.

15.  Walk the Camino de Santiago

16.  Get my Scuba Certification – COMPLETED

Read all about my experience here.

17.  Take MMA and/or defense classes

Krav Maga and Jiu-Jitsu are really looking appealing to me.

18.  Visit all 50 States

19.  Visit all 56 Tennessee State Parks

Bicentennial Capitol Mall, Bledsoe Creek, Pickett, Radnor Lake, Rock Island, Harpeth River, and Long Hunter are done.  Only 49 more to go!


20.  Visit all US National Parks

21.  Act More Like an Entrepreneur and Less like a Hobbyist

I’ve been blogging for 3.5 years now and most days I don’t treat it like a business and I don’t act like an entrepreneur and that’s why I’m not seeing the results I want.  I want to change that.

22. Go on a Full Moon Hike

23.  Be Fluent in a Second Language

24.  Visit Havasu Falls  

25.  Have a Consistent, Authentic Brand – COMPLETE

26. Live in Another Country

27.  Go on a Vegan Group Trip

I’m not typically one for group trips or tours but I’d really love to do a trip that consists of like-minded individuals.

28.  Volunteer with Animals in Every Country I Visit

29.  Become Primarily Whole Foods Plant-Based

Already vegan, but consider myself a junk food vegan which is still not healthy for me.  I’d like to eat 80% whole foods and 20% whatever I like.

30.  Give Vlogging a Go/Learn to Edit Videos

31.  Complete the Everest Base Camp Trek

Actually visited Nepal this year which was unexpected but didn’t do the base trek. I’d love to go back and do this!

32.  Travel the Trans-Siberian Express

33.  Participate in a Book Club Every Month – COMPLETE

I already do this but I want to make sure I continue it.

34. Complete my Original Southeast Asia Itinerary

Two and a half years ago, I set out to travel SEA for 9 months with this itinerary in mind but I came back after only one month.  I’d like to finish what I started.

35. ???

Leaving this open so I can add something amazing (as if the other things aren’t amazing).  Any ideas?

Do you make similar lists?  What are some of things you would add?

Ashley Hubbard

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Michelle

    A list maker I am not but I like reading others lists. It’s a good one. I’ve done a few things on the list like visiting all my states state parks. I was fluent in another language but learned of you don’t use it daily you get stuck at an intermediate level. I’ve hiked the foothills trail but at 80 ish miles doesn’t really qualify for a long hike. I’d like to get better at yoga and do a retreat and self defence is really appealing too. Good luck on your list.

  2. Mike McLeish

    Great bucket list! I’ve always wanted to walk the Camino de Santiago as well! Maybe this is the year that I’ll stop talking about it and actually do it!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Mike, I completely get it! I constantly talk about things and never do them too! I hope you walk the Camino – let me know how it is! 🙂

  3. Carlo

    I always wanted to do that. It’s on my not so small to-do-list 🙂

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