Things We’re Glad We Took + Things We Wish We Had Taken to Bonnaroo

Things We’re Glad We Took + Things We Wish We Had Taken to Bonnaroo

Things We're Glad We Took + Things We Wish We Had Taken to Bonnaroo

#ReadytoRoo #Bonnaroo #asoutherngypsy #festivals #tennessee

A photo posted by Ashley Hubbard (@asoutherngypsy) on

I think I drove Kaleb insane between the two weeks of when I found out we were going to Bonnaroo and actually getting there.  I obsessed and analyzed our packing list (good thing for us I did!) and then I boasted about how awesome I did once we got there.  I’ve already spilled on our best tips + tricks to help you survive Bonnaroo and now I’m going to let you in on the things we’re glad we took + things we wish we had taken to Bonnaroo.

Things We’re Glad We Took

    • Fans – I bought two small (only $5!) battery operated fans for us to have in our truck bed at night.  These things were one of the best decisions I made!
    • Solar Lights – Not necessary but we loved having them.  They really made out campsite ambiance, if you will while also giving off some much needed light at night.  Also, made it a bit easier to see our tent from further away and I’d imagine would deter thieves just a tad more than having zero light.
    • Citronella Candles – no one likes mosquitos but they LOVE me.  Also, another form of light at night and they just smell good!
    • Canopy Tent – don’t go to Bonnaroo without one!  They keep the blistering sun off your tent or truck bed.  They block rain from ruining your campsite.  And, they give you an extra touch of privacy – just get the kind with detachable walls or hang tarps/tapestries on  the sides.  Also, I’d imagine deter thieves more than having nothing covering your belongings.
    • Tie-Dye Sheet – I tie-dyed a queen size sheet and used it as one of our walls on our canopy tent.  It really set a certain mood and we loved having it!
    • Baby Wipes – I couldn’t have done 5 days with no shower without them.  Enough said.

Our camp setup. I’d say for a Bonnaroo first timer, I did things just about perfectly. sleeping in the bed of the truck was a brilliant idea! #Bonnaroo #ReadytoRoo #camping #festivals #tennessee #asoutherngypsy

A photo posted by Ashley Hubbard (@asoutherngypsy) on

Things We We Wish We Had Taken

  • Kiddie Pool – nope, not joking.  We thought about this once there and actually saw one campsite with one.  Would be an amazing way to spend those extremely hot afternoon hours.  Plus a good way to get some dirt and grime off of you.
  • Boxed Fan – while our little fans were amazing, a big boxed fan would have been even better!
  • Dry Ice – Our ice lasted a good while in our coolers but we did have to replenish on Saturday.  Dry Ice would have kept longer.
  • ENO Hammock – I didn’t take it because I thought there wouldn’t be anywhere to hang it up but there are actually several places to do so – it just won’t be right at your campsite.
  • More campsite activities – games, etc.
  • More fun things like ‘Buddy the Elf’ below!  One of my favorite things was to walk around and see how the ridiculous camp decor!

I found Buddy the Elf at Bonnaroo! #asoutherngypsy #Bonnaroo #ReadytoRoo #festivals #tennessee

A photo posted by Ashley Hubbard (@asoutherngypsy) on

Have you ever been to Bonnaroo?  Any packing tips?  Plans on going in the future? Things We're Glad We Took + Things We Wish We Had Taken to Bonnaroo

An InLinkz Link-up

Ashley Hubbard

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. RamblinLove

    Bonaroo is on the list for next year – thanks for the list 🙂

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      I’d love to meet up! I can’t not go now that I’ve been once 🙂

  2. Ruth - Tanama Tales

    Interesting how little things can make a big difference in certain settings. Mosquito repellent would be high on my list (they love me too).

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