11 Unique Things To Do In Murfreesboro, TN From History to Craft Beer

This town just southeast of Nashville is well-known for its American Civil War history, but there are plenty of things to do in Murfreesboro TN.

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Since the 1990s, Murfreesboro has been Tennessee’s fastest-growing major city and one of the fastest in the country. It’s also home to Middle Tennessee State University (my alma mater!).

Things To Do In Murfreesboro TN

1. Stones River National Battlefield & Cemetery

The Battle of Stones River began on the last day in 1862, with the Confederacy starting out very strong. Bragg expected Rosecrans to retreat on New Year’s Day, but Rosecrans was stubborn and held out.

Knowing he couldn’t hold his position much longer and knowing the Union would be receiving reinforcements, Bragg ordered a retreat on January 2nd.

Things To Do In Murfreesboro TN – Stones River Cemetery

There were estimated to be just under 25,000 casualties in just a three-day battle. Seems pretty absurd!

More than 6,100 Union soldiers are buried in Stones River National Cemetery today. Of these, 2,562 are unknown. Nearly 1,000 veterans and some family members who served in the century since the Civil War are also interred there.

2. Cannonsburgh Village

Historic Cannonsburgh Village is a reconstruction of Murfreesboro as it looked from the 1830s to the 1930s.

It represents a typical Southern village during those times with a one-room schoolhouse, a gristmill, a telephone operator’s cabin, a caboose, the wedding chapel, a museum, a general store, a blacksmith’s hop, and more.

3. Middle Tennessee Museum of Natural History

Also named Earth Experience, this is the place to see several collections, including shells, minerals, geodes, fossils, and full-size dinosaur casts.

This is the first museum of natural history in Middle Tennessee.

Things To Do In Murfreesboro TN – Earth Experience

4. Stones River Greenway

This greenway trail connects various landmarks in Murfreesboro, especially Civil War sites.

It offers well-maintained spaces for enjoying nature, walking, biking, running, or in-line skating. There are 15 miles of trails and also a few access points to launch kayaks and canoes on Stone River.

Things To Do In Murfreesboro TN – Stones River Greenway

5. Walter Hill Hydroelectric Station

This early 1900s hydroelectric station is no longer in use. So why is it exciting? It’s a popular spot for photography, and it’s on the National Register of Historic Places.

Walter Hill Hydroelectric Station and dam

6. Fortress Rosecrans

The fortress was built in the first half of 1863 following the Battle of Stones River and was the largest fort built during the Civil War – covering almost a mile wide.

It became logistical support for the Union’s push into the South. It is 200 acres and holds up to 15,000 troops.

Things To Do In Murfreesboro TN – Fortress Rosecrans

7. Barfield-Crescent Park

This popular 430-acre park offers picnic shelters, sports fields, seven miles of trails, 13 campsites, playgrounds, and an 18-hole disc golf course.

It also has a very active wilderness station where people can learn more about the wilderness through campfire talks, interpretive hikes, river explorations, and more.

8. Mayday Brewery

Mayday Brewery is located in downtown Murfreesboro and is a great spot to hang out on the weekend evenings. They have great craft beers and live music.

You can also take a tour on Saturdays.

Things To Do In Murfreesboro TN – MayDay brewery

9. The Blueberry Patch

The Blueberry Patch is a charming blueberry farm just a short drive from Murfreesboro.

You can go and pick blueberries on the 7-acre farm that also has over 4,000 plants.

It is run as a part of the initiative Pick Tennessee which encourages local residents to visit neighboring farms and pick seasonal foods.

Things To Do In Murfreesboro TN – The Blueberry Patch

10. Serenity Salt Cave

The Serenity Salt Cave is a wellness center designed for guests to enjoy enhanced periods of relaxation through the environment of a Himalayan salt cave.

Himalayan salt is known for being the most pollutant-free salt in the world and has been reported to promote improved vascular and respiratory health, as well as help with things like asthma, allergies, acne, sleep disorders, and even depression.

Things To Do In Murfreesboro TN – Salt Cave

11. Catfiene Cat Cafe

The Catfeine Cat Cafe has been the foster home to nearly 500 rescue cats since opening in 2019. Visitors can meet current residents who are ready to be adopted.

They have a limited menu of snacks and a self-service coffee bar.

Things To Do In Murfreesboro TN – Cat Cafe
Ashley Hubbard

This Post Has 92 Comments

  1. Lisa from Lulu's Big Adventure

    I’ve never been to any American battle sites, but when I was in France several years ago, I went to many of the battlefields from WWI. It was an interesting experience!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      I love WWII history and really want to visit all the sites – one day!

  2. Corinne

    I love a good historical site, especially one that is outdoors. I did once go to the Battlefield for Little Big Horn. Nothing. There was nothing there, so it was kind of boring…Love this B post!

  3. History isnt really my thing, but I think that you need to know where you come from to know where youre going! A visit to the battlefield would be pretty cool though. I prefer Mayan ruins to american history for some odd reason (probably because I know Ill most likely be going to the beach later on!)

  4. Claudia H. Blanton

    Breathtaking images, first of all, those are beautiful. I have never been to Tennessee, looks like it would be a very nice place to emerge ourselves into some history lessons. Nice blog, dear!

  5. Paige

    I love visiting historical sites. I especially love going to plantations, seeing how they used to live and visiting battlefields like you showed above. Great history and fabulous pictures πŸ™‚ I’ve always been a bit jealous of history buffs.

    _Visiting from A to Z

  6. Teresa Delgado

    This was a great find for me today and I can’t wait to follow you all through the challenge. I have followed you on twitter, instagram and Facebook. I love historical sites and being a former history teacher one of my goals is to visit battlefield sites from the civil war and the american revolution. well done piece! Teresa visiting from the following sitesFangirl Next Door, Quackin Over Disney, Stormy’s Sidekick Geek On!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks so much Teresa! I bet you would definitely love this being a history teacher πŸ™‚

  7. Jeff Johns

    Great post Ashley! One of my favorite things to do growing up on the East Coast was visiting different civil war battle grounds like Gettysburg and Antietam, such amazing history. Great post here and another place I’ve just got to visit, love the pictures too!

  8. Chris Boothman

    Firstly, kudos to you for writing a post on your home town (or at least pretty close to Franklin). I remember visiting Murfreesboro a couple of years ago, it was more of a passing visit, I think we went there just to visit Hastings (I know sad right) but we were in Nashville and there was something we just had to get and couldn’t find it anywhere.

    The images you have included here are awesome and it’s great to read about so much history that there is in this part of the US.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      You know I got a soft spot for my hometown(s)! Thanks so much and y’all will have to come back πŸ™‚

  9. Ann

    I’ve only been to a few civil war places – I’ve never seen a reenactment or anything. But, yes, I definitely have visited military sites in the past. Mostly in Belgium and Japan. It’s interesting to see where these things actually happened and so many of the places are still uninhabited so you can get more of a feeling of what things were back then.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      That’s awesome that you’ve been to those sites. I’d love to see them!

  10. I enjoy visiting historical spots while traveling. I visited two battlefields last summer, both Nez Perce Native American battlefields and I learned so much about what happened there – more than I ever did in school!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Ohh those sound awesome! I’d love to visit them. You’re right – there’s no education like actually seeing and experiencing a place.

  11. RobRob

    Great post and beautiful pictures. We missed a chance to visit Mufreesboro last year, and I regret that even more now. Which just means we’ll need to make plans to return to Tennessee! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks so much! I hope you can make it back to Tennessee someday πŸ™‚

  12. I love visiting historic sites and will be writing about one as part of this challenge. I think the older I get the more I appreciate history and all that has happened on this land. Great post Ashley, I can’t wait to visit Tennessee!

  13. Sammi

    Definitely love visiting historical sites, you don’t really know a place unless you know where it came from.

  14. Anabel

    I think it’s really important to be aware of the past. I’ve visited some Civil War sites in Virginia and found them incredibly moving – the sunken road at Fredericksburg, for example. You can almost imagine how it must have felt to be caught up in the war.

  15. Jempi & Nina

    Very nice article Ashley. We live not so far from Flanders Fields (WW1) and the cemeteries look the same. We all need to be reminded about the effects of war. Great post! Cheers from Jempi & Nina.

  16. Calli

    The Southern United States is somewhere we’d love to visit, but I’d never given much thought to the Civil War sites in the area. For some reason that’s one part of the US that doesn’t really make its way up to Canada. Thanks for getting me thinking about a visit in a new light πŸ™‚

  17. Leslie

    Great post! The pictures are great. Did you take them yourself?

    I really enjoy visiting historical sites. My family took a trip to Gettysburg when I was a young girl, and that trip still stands out in my mind.


    1. Ashley Hubbard

      I did take these photos πŸ™‚ I’d love to go to Gettysburg one day.

  18. Tam Gamble

    We travelled to Normandy last year to visit the sites of WWII and the D-Day landings. Some of the memorial sites are so well preserved and are honoured each year, each in there own way. We spent the entire weekend travelling the coast visiting each site.

    One of the best kept was the site of the Omaha beach landing and the cemetery that is now on the grounds. It is extensive and, in a way, is extremely upsetting that so many lost their lives, but you have to admire the way that even now, after all this time, it looks as if it was only created yesterday.

    If you do visit Normandy I would also suggest spending some time at Pegasus Bridge, there is a memorial museum there along with two cafes, one of which was a house that was invaded during the war.

  19. Stephanie Smith

    I love history and I find that Civil War even though not my favorite part of history is still fascinating.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      It’s not my favorite war to learn about but still pretty fascinating since it’s home πŸ™‚

  20. Teresa C.

    This is awesome. My dad used to be a part of a Civil War reinactment group.

  21. Bianca @itsallbee

    B is for Bianca πŸ˜›

    25000 casualities in just 3 days? That’s terrible. Looking at all the history we learn about in school and what is currently happening in the world its scary because it seems like we dont learn too much from our terrible history as we continue to inflict suffering from every corner of the world…Great to reflect though. Great post, Ashley.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      I thought that number was insane myself – but times were different then too. Thanks Bianca! πŸ™‚

  22. Birgit

    History is very important, I believe, it lets us know where we come from, our culture and what mistakeswere made so it doesn’t happen again. I also believe it teaches people to be more respectful and treasure what is lost or forgotten when it shouldn’t be. I was only 18 when we travelled through Gettysburg on a school tour to Washington DC. I found it important. I love watching documentaries on anything historical. My dad fought in WW2 and was part of the liberation of Holland and my mom is German and was only 17 when the war ended and she lived through things noone should. I love what you wrote and that it means something to you since you grew up in that area. It touches your soul I think

  23. Melissa

    I also love visiting historical sites! Unfortunately I have not seen many in the southern US, but I plan to remedy that someday. Thanks for taking me to Murfreesboro!

  24. The Crowded Planet

    Great post! Love your pics as always. Will have to pay a trip to the southern US to discover all these great places! Well done on the A to Z challenge too!

  25. Heather Jones

    Love it! Great pictures.

    Stopping by during the A to Z challenge!

  26. katherine Tomlinson

    I was born in the south but grew up traveling with my Army officer father. Historical sites anywhere in the world. It’s all good. I love your plans and intend to live vicariously through your adventure. My passport is getting cobwebs.

  27. Michael Huxley

    I absolutely love visiting historical sites wherever I can, I’m a big history and archaeology geek at the best of times so I always love history in any form, but I think some of the more recent historical sites – especially the military ones – give us such a different perspective on our own lives, makes us think about the sacrifices that have been made on the very spots that we are standing on as tourists. It’s very humbling, to say the least.

  28. Stephanie

    I graduated from MTSU and never actually went to the battlefield. Thanks for sharing it’s story!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks so much Damyanti! It really is – it’s one of those things that’s hard to hear about but interesting at the same time.

  29. Rebekah Loper

    I haven’t had the opportunity to visit many historical sights, but the most memorable one I’ve been to is Pea Ridge National Military Park in Arkansas. My husband tells me that he’s a direct descendant of the general who led the battle there… for the Confederates.

    The scenery there is lovely, while it’s also still very sobering to think that hundreds of people died there.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      That’s pretty awesome that he’s a direct descendant! Thanks Rebekah πŸ™‚

  30. Rhonda Albom

    When we were children and traveled with our parents, my dad always wanted to stop at every battle field. I think I burned out on them for life. Now we almost never stop. Looking at your photos I am realizing I am missing something. Thanks for sharing.
    Visiting from AtoZ

  31. Karen Warren

    I love visiting historic sites. Here in Europe our sites are so old that we tend to overlook the fact that there is plenty of history in the US as well – thanks for reminding me!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks Karen! It is weird to think this happened not that long ago at all.

  32. Elena

    I never had the chance to visit many historical sites while I was living in the states, nice to see they exist! Very neat graveyard πŸ™‚

  33. Britany

    Beautiful shots of the cemetery. I love the long shadows cast by the trees.

  34. Jennifer Marshburn

    Great post. I was raised in East TN, and born in Murfreesboro, yet you know more about the area than I do. It’s always fun to see your home through the eyes of a tourist! Happy writing!

  35. Great photos! What a beautiful historical site. We like historical museums but we haven’t been to any civil war sites. Thanks for the preview! Good luck with the A-Z challenge!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks so much Mary! Hopefully you can visit some civil war sites in the future!

  36. jennifer

    I am the epitome of “stupid American” so you will never catch me correcting any details on history!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Haha well good…I do my best to get the facts correct but I’m bound to mess up somewhere πŸ™‚

  37. Hi Ashley, I also love visiting historical part. If you want to get to know the country I think it’s an essential part of the trip. Unfortunately, I stopped visiting these sight in the past couple of year in the Nethlands, but I think it’s time to change that ;)!

  38. Angela Travels

    Pennsylvania has some great battlefields as well. I have been to a few and always enjoy learning a piece of the history.

  39. Samantha @mytanfeet

    Holy crap that is a lot of soldiers, I had no idea (well maybe at one point during history class but forgot haha) Civil War was such a sad time for the States, so many lives lost. Great to remember the significance of these historical sites.

  40. Stephanie

    I love visiting historical sites too. I went through a major history phase between middle school and my junior year of high school. My parents indulged me on it, wonderfully enough.
    Great post. πŸ™‚

  41. Conversant Traveller

    After travelling (of course!) history is my first love! I’m a bit obsessed with the English Civil War and love visiting sites, especially castles that were once sieged and are still standing. Its interesting to learn about the American War (which I know shamefully little about except through reading fiction), the same sort of tales happened over here in England, we’re not all so different after all. Thanks for sharing (and educating πŸ™‚

  42. Jon @ jonistravelling.com

    Nice photos Ashley! I haven’t been to any historical war sites like this but I went to the killing fields in Cambodia, pretty depressing, but it was worth it.

  43. Jim Kane

    A wonderful post Ashley! I have been to several battlefields in Virginia but not yet in Tennessee. Best wishes on your AtoZ challenge and future travel plans.

  44. Fie

    I love historic stuff, but coming from Europe I find American history “kinda boring” I don’t know if it’s just because of the age of some of the Things Americans call historic sites. But I loved your article and I really want to go to Tennessee at some point πŸ™‚ I’ve only seen the West and the East coast of US, so I think I have to go to the middle πŸ™‚

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      I could understand that…it’s definitely as much history as Europe so I can appreciate that! I hope you can make it to Tennessee one day! πŸ™‚

  45. History was never something that particularly motivated me at school but I’m sure if I got to visit sites such as this one, it would have brought it all much more to life for me and sparked much more of an interest. Thanks for sharing your insights. πŸ™‚

  46. City Sea Country

    Thanks for sharing this interesting article. I am into historical places but not particular into war related places to be honest.

  47. Erin

    Very informative. Somehow the eerie feeling of calm, that only battlefields and graveyards hold, comes through.

  48. John Roberts

    I am very interested in war history, particularly WWII and the Civil War. Going to these types of sights always makes me so introspective to consider what the people of the times were going though. Great pictures with this post. Thanks. Happy travels.

  49. Ashley and Alex

    I absolutely loved visiting the civil war sites when I was younger. Thanks for sharing the history of this one!

  50. Selina

    Love the photos and this was a really interesting post.

    I’ll be looking out for updates on your travels on Twitter!

  51. Jennifer

    Hey Ashley, great job on writing this article.I read a lot about the Civil war and now I really want to visit the sites you wrote about!

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