Purple Haze Lavender Farm

purple haze lavender farm

Purple Haze Lavender Farm is located in Sequim, Washington in the Dungeness Valley of the Olympic Peninsula.  The Dungeness Valley is home to over 30 of these wonderful farms with Purple Haze being just one of them.  Due to the rainshadow of the Olympic Mountains, the climate in the valley is absolutely perfect for growing lavender.  As in the Provence region of France, the valley gets less than 20 inches of rain a year.

Purple Haze Lavender Farm
Purple Haze Lavender Farm

purple haze lavender farm

Purple Haze has a wonderful gift shop that offers natural lavender products, plants, culinary products, aromatherapy products and organic lavender. We bought the Herbs de Provence which is a mixture of fennel, sage, basil, oregano, and you guessed it, lavender. This mixture is used a lot on fish and chicken and came with a few lovely recipes. We also and by we, I mean my mother, bought some lavender plants for the house and then later we proceeded to kill said plants and by we, I mean I did. I killed them.

Herbs De Provence

They also have a refreshment stand, Bell Bottom Beverages, that offers things like lavender lemonade and lavender ice cream.  How wonderful is that?!

purple haze lavender farm
So Much Lavender
Rows and Rows of White and Purple Lavender

purple haze lavender farm

At the farm, they also have peacocks. We were lucky enough to be there when there were several babies and daddy was feeling like being a complete show-off. The second we walked towards them, he ruffled his feathers and did nice little, slow turns for us for a good thirty minutes. The babies, while not quite as colorful as dad, are damn adorable.

purple haze lavender farm
What a Show-Off
Peacock Family
purple haze lavender farm
Momma and Two of the Babies

And, here’s some photos of the wonderful Washington scenery we got to view on our drive to the farm…

purple haze lavender farm

purple haze lavender farm

Purple Haze is open year round to visit, but the gift shop does close during the winter months.  There is also no charge to go to Purple Haze.

Have you ever visited a lavender farm?

Ashley Hubbard

This Post Has 54 Comments

  1. lisa

    I have never visited a lavender farm but this post makes me want to go! Loved your pics.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thank you so much πŸ™‚ They really are very nice…I wish I had visited some others while I lived in Washington and I’d definitely love to go to one in France.

  2. Kara

    Another great post! Beautiful pictures too! looks like this particular lavender farm was extra special given the addition of peacocks πŸ™‚ Again, thanks for sharing!

  3. Heidi

    This is so insanely pretty! The pictures are breath taking. Makes me sad that I’m allergic to lavender! haha

  4. Erin

    I don’t suppose you tried that lavender ice cream? I’m intrigued to know what it tastes like! Gorgeous photos here, Ashley! Really makes me want to visit.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      I didn’t, but I wish I had now! Thanks Erin πŸ™‚

  5. Roma

    I bet all that lavender smells AWESOME!

  6. What a gorgeous place to visit! I love the beautiful shades of purple and the pictures of the peacocks are just stunning!!

  7. The Dessert Engineer

    Those lavender are such a feast for the eyes. I can’t wait to visit Washington state. I’ve never been to a lavender farm, but I’ve been to a sunflower farm, and it’s also very pretty. Those pictures are so lovely!

  8. Beautiful! I still remember the breathtaking moment the first time I saw a lavender field in Provence.

  9. Jonny Jenkins

    What a great name for a Lavender farm… and that second picture is just amazing Ashley, well done!
    So cool that Pappa Peacock puffed up for ya as well… sounds like a great day πŸ™‚

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks Johnny! They really did do a great job with the name, didn’t they? The peacock was gorgeous and it was awesome that he did that for us πŸ™‚

  10. frankaboutcroatia

    Who would think that in Washington State they can grow lavender just like in the Mediterranean. The world never stops surprising me. I love lavender, the smell and the color of the flowers are just amazing.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      I love lavender too–can’t wait to see it in France as well πŸ™‚

  11. Phoebe @ Lou Messugo

    I agree with Frank, it’s amazing to discover that Washington State grows lavender. I live in Provence and adore going to the lavender fields in July to be surrounded by purple as far as the eye can see. I wrote a post about it last July (a photo essay really). Your photos are lovely and make me want summer to come all the more.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      That’s awesome Phoebe–I’d love to see them in France!

  12. Dave Cole

    I will take three scoops of lavender ice cream, please. Looks like a beautiful spot and they certainly cater well to visitors. Also, looks like you passed the 250-day mark on your countdown this week – congrats!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks Dave! I wish I had tried the ice cream–next time!

  13. Bex

    Now I AM sold! Purple is my favourite colour and this makes me want to jump on a plane and go and discover. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Isn’t the other side of the Olympic Mountains a rainforest? I would have thought that Sequim would get a lot more rain, but it’s great that it doesn’t for the lavender’s sake. I bet that farm smelled heavenly and relaxing. I love all that purple in the photos…. And I now have Jimi Hendrix playing in my brain.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      It is Michele but there just happens to be this specific valley that the lavender grows well in…I can’t even begin to explain the science behind it haha

  15. Bianca @itsallbee

    Beautiful pictures. Your pictures just reminded me of a planned trip to the lavender fields in Greater London. Just so, like you have, show people that the beauty of lavender fields are not just restricted to France’s Provence.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks Bianca! I think lavender farms will always be associated primarily with France, so I’m glad people are realizing they are other places too πŸ™‚

  16. Savvy Working Gal

    This is so gorgeous. I’ve never visited a lavender farm, but doing so has been on my bucket list ever since I read the Unlikely Lavender Queen by Jeannie Ralston. She moves from NYC to Austen. Then creates a successful lavender farm.

  17. Lisa

    I thought about going there when I was visiting a friend. Now I wish I had!

  18. Ashley your pictures are beautiful! My Dad grew up in Sequim, I grew up not far from there and I have a sister that lives there. So to say I’ve been to that area a few time is an understatement, yet I’ve never been to a lavender farm. We miss so many of the beautiful things so close to our homes. I am putting this in my Pinterest Bucket List! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks Daidri! I know the feeling–I tend to forgot about the things at home. I hope you get to go next time you visit!

  19. Angela Travels

    What a great post. It takes me back to my summer living in the South of France and seeing lavender fields everywhere! I will have to check it out sometime since I live so close! I have noticed that walking around Seattle, some people have some lavender bushes outside of their houses in their gardens.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks Angela! I really would love to see them in France. You should definitely take a day trip out here though πŸ™‚

  20. Travis

    Great post and photos Ashley. This looks like a great place to spend a day. The Olympic Peninsula is such a beautiful region of the North West US – we try and get down there at least once a year. Thanks for sharing, we will definitely check this out next time we make the drive. Safe travels!

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks Travis! It really is a beautiful part of the US. I hope you get to go! πŸ™‚

  21. Caitlyn

    So lovely! I visited a lavender farm once as a kid, I can’t even remember where it was. I just remember the lovely pics of my sister crouching down and smelling it all, she has always been a bit of an old lady with her lavender hand creams πŸ™‚

  22. Kadri

    Beautiful picture you have in here. I’ve never been in this kind of farm before, actually I didn’t know that this kind of places even exist, so thank you for making me little bit smarter. πŸ™‚

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      Thanks Kadri! You should visit one if you’re ever in the area πŸ™‚

  23. Rachel M

    Beautiful photos … if only I could steal those peacock chicks πŸ™‚

  24. OH how pretty Ashley! We have loads of lavender here in Croatia, but I am yet to see it in real life like this. Lucky you.

    1. Ashley Hubbard

      I noticed they had a lot in Croatia too. Thanks SJ πŸ™‚

  25. Gabor Kovacs

    Wow, it seems to be a wonderful place! Rachele is especially fond of lavender, loved the color of the pictures!

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