Horse racing and the Kentucky Derby specifically are steeped in tradition – I mean you don’t do something for 150 years without it being a tradition, right? But is the Kentucky Derby cruel?
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A little background information about myself – my great-grandpa used to train harness race horses in Rochester, NY and my great-uncle was a well-known jockey. They were quite good at their jobs and I used to visit the farm every summer. There is a lot of nostalgia around horses and horse racing for me. I also have attended several races at Churchill Downs and I’ve always enjoyed myself – drinking mint juleps and gambling on horses as if my life depended on it.
Now, that you know my background and how deeply horse racing was rooted in me, I hope you’ll take my next advice to heart: Do not support this barbaric and cruel tradition.
The horse racing industry is exceptionally cruel and you’d never know it. These animals are forced against their will to do something they would never do if given the choice and the things that go on behind closed doors are not for the faint of heart.
There are zero benefits to horse racing for horses – it is purely a “sport” done for the entertainment of humans – humans wearing their gigantic hats, betting on horses as if their lives don’t matter, getting sloppy drunk, and probably not even paying attention to the race that could end a horse’s life.
Yes, horses enjoy running – in a field or in the wild of their own volition – not because they are forced into it.
Here Is Why Horse Racing And The Kentucky Derby Are Cruel
1. Drugging Is Common Practice
Kate Papp, a racetrack veterinarian, says it best – “Everything that’s given to the horse is with the main goal in mind, which is having them run well, win races, pay well to the owners and to the trainers,” she said. “And anything that they can give the horses – whether it be legal, illegal, even non-necessary substances – they will do … in an attempt to have a winner or improve their horse.”
Drugs aren’t given for the well-being of the horse. They’re given to do everything possible to keep the horses going when their bodies simply can’t handle it.
2. Slaughter Is How We Thank Them
When a racehorse has had its body used up, it is very common practice for them to be sent to slaughter. They aren’t usually sent to graze in pastures for the rest of their life (they’re still relatively young too) like we may be led to believe. Nope.
When they are determined to be too old, too slow, or not good enough – they are very often slaughtered for meat.
“It is well-documented that many racehorses end up at slaughter auctions within a week of their last race, even though many tracks across the country have policies opposing this practice,” said Nancy Perry, the senior vice president of ASPCA governmental relations.
Not all are sent to slaughter, of course. There are always exceptions to rules and if a horse has been deemed a winner or a successful horse, they are often forced to breed for retirement andddddddd talk about making the owner money. For example, Smarty Jones has sired 418 foals in seven years for a whopping $7,500 per session.
3. The “Life” Of A Thoroughbred Broodmare
A thoroughbred broodmare’s sole purpose in life is to produce as many racehorses as possible. So, when she delivers her baby, it is immediately taken from her and nursed by a “nurse mare” while the broodmare is then forced to immediately get pregnant again.
So, how do the nurse mares magically have milk to feed the racehorse foals? Well, they had babies too of course (mammals don’t magically produce milk without bearing young).
So, what happens to her baby? These foals are of no use to the industry. They were literally born just so their mom could produce milk to feed another mare’s baby so that mare could become pregnant again – all in the name of money.
Sadly, these “useless” foals have been historically killed – by either starving them or hitting them in the head with a hammer. I shouldn’t say they are useless though because their skin is used in the fashion and textile industries and the meat can be considered a delicacy (note heavy sarcasm).
Last Chance Corral does their best to step in and rescue these foals by purchasing them. While saving a life is more important, purchasing them only feeds into the industry more. The only way to truly stop this is to stop supporting this horrible industry.

4. The Horrific Injuries
Horses run, yes. Horses love to run, yes. What horses don’t do is run faster and harder (drugs, remember) than ever intended at a super young age (usually 3 years old and horses don’t even mature until 6) on a dirt track – not to mention with a human being on them, making fast, quick turns.
Horses are often euthanized on the spot when injured on the track. Broken legs, “run down,” ligament injuries, and more are all super common.
It’s so bad that there is a Race Horse Death Watch.

5. It’s Not Just Dangerous For The Horses
Being a jockey is extremely dangerous as well. “An investigation by CNN found that “jockeys are the worst-paid and most seriously injured athletes in any professional sport.” Since 1940, there have been 154 deaths at horse racing tracks across the U.S. — 13 since 2000.”
Jockeys also commonly develop eating disorders as they have to maintain a very low body weight.

Tradition is never a reason to do something that isn’t right. Slavery could have been argued as a tradition. Dog fighting is a tradition for some. The dog meat industry in some Asian countries is a tradition.
Tradition does not equate to right.
What To Do Instead
So, you don’t want to support this horrible industry anymore right? But, you still love animals and seeing them and experiencing all the goodness they can bring into your life so how do you do so in an ethical way?
- Visit a farm sanctuary or a horse sanctuary
- Experience wild horses – something else that needs to be protected!
- Educate others about the industry
- If gambling is your reason for the races, find another avenue that doesn’t exploit anyone or any animal. This goes for dog racing too.
photo credits | featured photo | Eight Belles injured | mare and foal | horse/jockey fall
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You’re right! It is incredibly cruel. Poor poor animals
Very sad that the horses aren’t treated right.
This is disgusting, I wish more people knew about this 🙁
It is definitely disgusting and I wish they did too! I’m trying to spread the word!
Bunch if fruitcake extremists. Get your facts straight.And I don’t care what you think. Most of these folks have no experience with horses.
So you are saying all is well then? Nothing to see ?
Ur either knowingly uninformed or just a liar because every statement in this article is verifiably true. It takes a cold hearted person who wasn’t raised right to go along with something that causes so much harm to another living being, and I’m guilty myself of being a meat eater and probably will always be, but to lie and deny the nasty facts about an industry that is saturated n deceiving everyone with fictitious stories of the love they have for the horses they use as a means to a paycheck is just plain ornery and sad knowing how quickly that ‘live’ dissolves when the horse is of no value to them anymore. If u really love ur animal, u don’t allow them to participate n a sport that carries and immediate death sentence if and when it gets injured after it’s been pushed to the limit with ur say-so. I’d have more respect for you if you’d just admit you knew the truth but didn’t care rather than try and lie and attempt to make everyone who does care out to be extremists who don’t know what they’re talking about. You can deny the facts with evidence supporting those facts all U want, but everyone knows ur just a liar when u do so.
Horse racing needs to banned across the US. It is a horrific industry where horses are exploited, drugged, whipped, run to death, exposed to catastrophic injuries, used up, and sent to slaughter.
I was not aware about the foaling procedure, where foals are taken from a mare and given to another to feed, which led to the horrific demise of the other mares foal. This is blatant cruelty and certainly goes against animal welfare laws. But, it appears that all jurisdiction entities turn their heads.
I also read about the horrible use of “tongue ties”. This horrific industry uses “tongue ties” forcing compliance of race horses; during races and training . They are unregulated and cause pain, anxiety, stress, difficult swallowing, cuts, lacerations, bruising, & swelling to their tongue.
Thank you for speaking up and sharing your knowledge of the atrocities horses in this industry are forced to endure. I do not feel sorry for the jocks. They made a choice to participate in this cruel, inhumane, horrific industry and as far as I am concerned they are just as bad as the rest of the POS humans.
I feel the same as the rest, this is cruelty to another living being. God created animals for our enjoyment and to take care of them, not to abuse them. This proves that some people are greedy and do not care about the suffering and pain it causes those poor animals.
these horses wouldn’t exist without the racing industry. So pick your poison – non-existence or being used