How to Live an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle as a Student: 5 Tips 

As a student, you probably know that adopting greener habits is crucial to impact the Earth positively. However, it can feel like a hassle when you already have a busy schedule, schoolwork, and social life to juggle.

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Living a sustainable lifestyle means reducing the amount of waste you produce. You need to change your buying habits for clothing and food and how you use technology.

It also involves understanding political rights and taking action. Here are a few simple adjustments college students can make to live more environmentally friendly lives. 

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Excellent Tips On How To Live An Eco-Friendly Lifestyle As A Student

1. Practice Recycling

Consider how much paper you use over the semester: taking notes in class, completing assignments, writing tests, and conducting research. It all adds up, and you’ve accumulated stacks of paper before you know it. And remember the plastic food and drink containers you use throughout the year. If you gather them all, they could fill your dorm room.

Most universities have recycling bins on campus. Choose the nearest one and make it a habit to recycle your paper regularly. If there’s no bin nearby, contact the administration to find the nearest drop-off location. It’s essential to choose a school that promotes eco-friendly practices. You can have your college search with SoFi and other search platforms and a college or university in an environmentally friendly state, like California, Vermont, or New York.

2. Conserve Energy

Did you know that standby power waste is a real thing? Reduce energy usage by turning off your appliances and their wall switches. Exercise efforts to switch them off at home and school after every use. 

To save even more energy, consider switching to energy-saving LED light bulbs. They use about one-fifth of standard bulbs’ energy and last longer.

3. Buy Reusable Coffee Mugs And Water Bottles

Coffee is a beloved daily ritual for many students. But here’s the thing: all those paper cups and plastic lids create a lot of trash. Consider getting yourself a reusable coffee cup. It could help avoid using single-use products.

The same goes for water bottles. Invest in a reusable one, and you’ll take meaningful action in the fight against plastics. Sip your coffee and hydrate with style while helping the environment at the same time.

4. Save Water

You can conserve water through simple daily habits. For instance, try turning off the tap when brushing your teeth until you need it to rinse your brush. Studies show that by 2030, the demand for freshwater could surpass its availability by 40%. 

So, thinking about how to use water wisely is vital. Consider reducing your shower time or saving water while doing the dishes. Always be mindful of your water usage, whether taking a shower, doing the dishes, or anything else that requires water. To contribute to a greener college, remember to use the water necessarily.

5. Learn To Take Notes Electronically

Living in the digital age has perks, so why not make the most of it? Instead of pen and paper, opt for a digital device to take notes, like a laptop or tablet. Not only will this help reduce paper waste, but it’s more cost and time-saving. 

Don’t worry if you still need to get gadgets to take notes. You can find affordable options that work just fine for taking notes, researching, and writing papers. Embrace the digital world and make your student life more eco-friendly and budget-friendly.

The Bottom Line

Whether or not you are experienced in living an environmentally conscious lifestyle, you can always take some steps to positively impact the world. Stay up-to-date on environmental issues to pinpoint areas where you can direct your attention.

You can participate in environmental groups, events, and initiatives dedicated to preserving the environment. Another great approach is researching ways to be more eco-friendly and sharing your knowledge with others. Be proactive and work with others as environmentally conscious students.

Ashley Hubbard

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